So in this time of tumult, it's beneficial to spread a bit of humour.
Here in the UK we have a number of laws and legislation passed each year, and sometimes this leads to a backlog of laws which needed repealing a long time ago.
So here are a few examples of bizarre laws which are not yet repealed.
All beached whales and sturgeons must be offered to the reigning monarch.
It is illegal to be drunk in the pub (Don't think many UK citizens know this one...)
MP's are not allowed to wear armour in Parliament
It is illegal to handle a salmon in suspicous circumstance (How does one handle a slamon suspiciously) :)
Killing a swan is an act of treason
"Section 54 of the Metropolitan Police Act says that you are not allowed to carry a plank along a pavement in London, unless you are unloading it from a vehicle! The rule also includes casks, tubs, hoops, wheels, ladders, poles and placards."
It is illegal to allow your pet to mate with pets of the Royal family (the corgis can rest easy.)
Don't place an image of the queen upside down (it's an act of treason) so be careful with your stamps while in the UK.
What strange laws still exist within your country of residence?
This is the website of Samuel Fishman Law Office, a personal injury law firm based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
It is illegal to touch someone's phone without their permission in my country Pakistan. It is also illegal to make fun of Prime Minister.