I feel like depression is a web and you get untangled in it knowing that things are getting worse but you can't get better. It hits you on different phases. Some days are better than others. Managing depression is challenging but you can do it with persistence and will power.Medical help is important.Therapies have good effects.Meditation ( deep breathing when you are feeling overwhelmed)Writing your bizarre thoughts in your journal to get it out of your head.Talking to people who understand, talking to friends, siblings.You can change your place, like if you are sitting a room go to another one. Go in nature, take a walk. So you can distract your thoughts.Listening to music, watching a sit com, reading a book. Cleaning, cooking.Yoga helps too.These are somethings i do 😊 when it hits me.
I have had depression for a number of years, it tends to come in periodic waves.
I have built up a checklist of things to help me see my way through it.
Thanks for providing your own unique methods for dealing with depression
Medication from GP
Writing (short stories, novel writing)
Mindfulness meditation
Study (Neuroscience)
Generally my mind needs something to digest, and to work and that tends to keep the depression at bay. I think the answer will be different for people, but there may be common factors in the answers.
We are encouraged to comment and not only view or like the post. Share with us how you've fought depression. Do you always talk to someone? Or take some pills? The comments would help a lot of others.
I have learned to manage depression in two ways: 1. By praying 2. Writing No matter how depressed I could be, talking to God about my feelings heals me. I could do this anywhere, even in the most unlikely places. I could be praying while working or receiving lectures or hanging out with friends and still focus. However, in a situation when I can not pray, I usually write down my exact feeling on my phone or in my diary. In the process, I receive my healing. These are the two major ways that have always helped me to fight depression or get over my emotions.
I feel like depression is a web and you get untangled in it knowing that things are getting worse but you can't get better. It hits you on different phases. Some days are better than others. Managing depression is challenging but you can do it with persistence and will power. Medical help is important. Therapies have good effects. Meditation ( deep breathing when you are feeling overwhelmed) Writing your bizarre thoughts in your journal to get it out of your head. Talking to people who understand, talking to friends, siblings. You can change your place, like if you are sitting a room go to another one. Go in nature, take a walk. So you can distract your thoughts. Listening to music, watching a sit com, reading a book. Cleaning, cooking. Yoga helps too. These are somethings i do 😊 when it hits me.
@Affra Iftikhar @Aida Music @Almina Tahirović @alex_maguire2001
Some insights based on personal experience and feedback from friends and family: ( This is in addition to what Daniel Summer has said)
Having a gratitude journal.
Finding and engaging in an activity that brings you some satisfaction and joy everyday.
Prayer helps for some, talking to a friend and family member may work for some.
Exercise really helps.
Exposure to outdoors, sunlight and even taking a walk.
If you suffer from depression, please contact a GP or a mental health professional for additional guidance.
Hi Jonathan,
I have had depression for a number of years, it tends to come in periodic waves.
I have built up a checklist of things to help me see my way through it.
Thanks for providing your own unique methods for dealing with depression
Medication from GP
Writing (short stories, novel writing)
Mindfulness meditation
Study (Neuroscience)
Generally my mind needs something to digest, and to work and that tends to keep the depression at bay. I think the answer will be different for people, but there may be common factors in the answers.
We are encouraged to comment and not only view or like the post. Share with us how you've fought depression. Do you always talk to someone? Or take some pills? The comments would help a lot of others.
I have learned to manage depression in two ways: 1. By praying 2. Writing No matter how depressed I could be, talking to God about my feelings heals me. I could do this anywhere, even in the most unlikely places. I could be praying while working or receiving lectures or hanging out with friends and still focus. However, in a situation when I can not pray, I usually write down my exact feeling on my phone or in my diary. In the process, I receive my healing. These are the two major ways that have always helped me to fight depression or get over my emotions.