Last night while asleep I met my friend and colleague Peter, we studied together for three years. Peter sadly died last year suddenly from heart condition.
My question is if my conscious mind knows that Peter is dead does my subconscious mind think that Peter is still alive ?
Seeing a dead person in your dreams, means you are hoping to see them again, or you are going through the grieving process, or going through any number of possibilities for a better outcome than what actually happened.
Some dreams are your subconscious mind trying to have you understand some things. A dream about a dead person would be wishful thinking, happiness, memories, etc.
Thank but do you see the link with the unconscious mind expressed through dreams
I am no expert in this, but it doesn't seem like anything unusual to me. You know that your friend is no longer with you, but you saw him in your dream. It can be because you have been thinking about him and missing him, and it's said dreams are our random thoughts and imaginary from our memories. And as your friend is in your memories and thoughts, it's okay to see him in your dreams and still consciously know that he is not alive. I have lost my best friend few years back, and i see her in my dreams all the time.