Marital abuse is a very common occurrence in almost all parts of the world. When does it become a case that has to be dealt with by a forensic psychologist?
Not all abuse is physical, sometimes it is emotional. And the irony is that they can't tell anyone what is their abuser doing to them in the safety of house.
I think when the person who is abused try to leave their abuser; but abuser don't let them go. Forensic psychologists got involved at this stage.
Usually a forensic psychologist would get involved when the case reaches the court and legal system.
Not all abuse is physical, sometimes it is emotional. And the irony is that they can't tell anyone what is their abuser doing to them in the safety of house.
I think when the person who is abused try to leave their abuser; but abuser don't let them go. Forensic psychologists got involved at this stage.