Came across a very interesitng study which looked at lying from an approach of personality.
The Five factor model of personality involves:
Openness to experiences
The authors wanted to assess lying and cognitive load from the perspective of the personality model.
Based on this work, the authors found 4 unique profiles associated with personality and deception.
Profile 1 (Associated with a lower tendency to lie):
* High levels of extraversion
*High levels of agreeableness
*High levels of openness
*High level of cognitive load when lying
*Scored low on moral disengagement (rationalising behaviour associated with "reframing immoral behaviour to make it acceptable)
Profiles 2 and 3 were mixed
Profile 4 (Higher probability of lying)
More likely to tell self-serving and vindictive lies
*Low levels of extraversion
*Low levels of agreeableness
*low levels of openness
*low levels of congnitive load when lying
*Higher level of moral disengagement
The authors made the interesting point:
"Our results thus support the idea that people should be seen in an integrative manner, as already suggested previously (Magnusson, 1998), and that focusing on single variables may not describe in detail the specificity and characteristics of each person. According to this approach, people should be seen as a “whole” which is not made as the simple sum of each facet."
Link to study:
I found it really interesting that people with higher probability of lying seem to have low levels of extraversion, I have somehow always thought of it otherwise. Really interesting study, thank you for sharing!