I was wondering if traditional personality tests are used in forensic contexts. This article that I found answered a lot of my questions - Traditional Psychological Tests Usage in Forensic Assessment, so I thought I'd share it - https://www.heraldopenaccess.us/article_pdf/34/traditional-psychological-tests-usage-in-forensic-assessment.pdf
It states that the studies that have been conducted on psychological tests utilisation in various forensic settings have indicated consistently that traditional psychological testing is an important component of most forensic evaluations. Even though the specific nature of the tests used varies by setting or evaluation focus, the most commonly used instruments in forensic assessment are the various versions of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) and the Wechsler scales for intellectual measurement.
Given that these instruments were developed and validated primarily for clinical purposes and not for forensic application they have their disadvantages. Yet, I'm curious, do you tend to use traditional psychological tests, and which ones do you prefer?