As some of you might know, Jodi Arias is a killer who has gone viral. This tape of her interrogations where she acted like she is completely innocent until the end, even after they found evidences and confronted them, Jodi Arias was very stubborn on her 'confident' behavior. I added the interrogation video. If you want to know more about her case, look 'Jodi Arias' up in YouTube. What I'm wondering is do her behaviors have a name under Forensic Psychology?
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She definitely has sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies... there's a YouTube channel I enjoy watching that had a video about her case, but it seems to be removed now. Here's the link to the channel for anyone that's interested in criminal psychology
I can't say I know too much about her case or enough to provide any sort of an expert opinion. What strikes me about the interview (among many things) was her nonchalant attitude, headstand against the wall, and singing toward the end. It certainly leads me to question what she was thinking at that time.
From my assessment, she seems to be someone with sociopathic tendencies. What do y’all think?